Indigenous to the tropical regions of Sudan and Africa, the Tamarind tree is now grown in surrounding regions of Asia and Europe solely for the wonderful tamarind spice. A fascinating condiment, it comes in a sticky juicy pod with a surprisingly sweet yet bitter flavour. It has a rich history reaching 5000 years back to the Indian subcontinent, where it has garnered religious and culinary reputations for itself.
In vogue since the Victorian Era of colonisation, Tamarind has travelled all the way to Mexico, where it is most widely used today for taste. It can be eaten raw, and is highly popular in flavoured preparations like jams, sauces, soups and desserts. While its fruity attributes have made it a favourite with children, it is encouraged in diet by parents as a rich source of nutrition.
Associated since antiquity with the ‘spirit of life’, the ancient spices powder manufacturers used to compare ‘life’ to the exquisite taste of Tamarind - ‘bitter-sweet’. Considered to bring a healthy mind and body if taken with food, this spice is believed to be a secret ingredient in ancient vegetarian cuisines of the world. It has gained popularity among 21st century ‘British new foods’, in chutneys, drinks and marinades. It is also a main ingredient in the famous Worcestershire sauce. Tamarind exporters speak of its excellent usage in household maintenance - tamarind pulp mixed with salt is a brilliant brass and copper polish.
Truly organic with a fresh sour taste, Tamarind (literally the date of India) is known to have the following health benefits:
An organic antiseptic, its paste is used as an external applicant as well as to draw healthy baths. It is highly recommended as an eye wash and for ulcer treatment.
Like a truly traditional spice, it offers healthy organic benefits for various body parts. One of them is its ability to treat bronchitis and sore throat problems by simply gargling with tamarind infused water.
Tamarind when taken in the beverage form is scientifically proven to benefit the body on multiple levels. A strong concoction can partially relieve the drinker of ailments like constipation, diarrhea, peptic ulcers as well as common fever.